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Reclaim Your Sleep...5 Secrets to Stop Waking Hot, Sweaty and Exhausted!

Did you know stress is a huge cause of hot flashes and night sweats? Think cortisol!

No one is immune to the stress of today's world. I had no idea that years of juggling too many balls with kids, work, relationships, and all the normal "To-Do's" would wreck havoc on my hormone levels leaving me with frustrating symptoms.

Our adrenals are responsible for A LOT of important functions.  They help regulate blood sugar, the body’s minerals, energy levels along with the thyroid and produce stress regulating hormones.  Some of these hormones are testosterone, adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormone.   In fact, the adrenals contribute to 35% of premenopausal female hormones.

When we are under constant stress, our adrenals increase production of adrenaline.  As adrenaline increases, adrenals amp up production of cortisol and shut down systems for normal functioning like digestion, sleep/wake cycle, managing metabolism and normal hormone production.  The adrenals actually steal energy from other hormones as well like, DHEA and progesterone.  It’s by design.   If you are being chased by a tiger, processes like digestion pause so our energy gets directed towards running…fast!

Unfortunately, our bodies don’t differentiate between running from a tiger or dealing with demands of kids, husband, chores, finances, night sweats, etc.    With constant elevated cortisol, women experience hormonal symptoms like hot flashes, trouble sleeping, exhaustion, mood swings, slowed metabolism, and fat storage to name a few.  

In order to become empowered to take back control of your hormones and your life, it just makes sense to start by reducing stress.

Fun Fact…when our ovaries begin to poop out, our adrenals take over production of estrogen.   Our digestive system including the liver and microbiome play a big role as well.  

This is one of the areas we will address in my free 5 day challenge. Reclaim Your Sleep...5 Secrets to Stop Waking Hot, Sweaty and Exhausted!

If you struggle with getting enough sleep or your internal thermostat has gone haywire because of wacky hormones, join us or share with a friend you know would benefit.

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